Our BE SUPER Action Plan

Our goal is to radically improve quality of life and significantly lower lifelong health risks for childhood cancer patients and survivors though our evidence-based BE SUPER 7-Point Action Plan. The plan is centered on healing nutrition, sleep, physical activity, stress reduction, positive mindset, supportive community, and limiting exposure to harmful chemicals. These are all the things kids and families can do together at home to thrive during treatment and throughout a lifetime of survivorship.

  • B for Boost Yourself With Super Thoughts represents activities and ways of thinking that help us to see our and our children’s health and wellbeing as always changing. And through commitment, intention, and work, we can direct these changes toward physical health, meaningful relationships, and personal growth. Researchers in the field of educational psychology have learned that seeing the world through this sort of mindset can have huge impacts in kids as well as adults.

  • The E focuses us on food-related activities and therapies that help our kids' bodies face and recover from treatment, create an anticancer environment, and lower lifelong health risks. They include learning about evidence-based anticancer nutrition, participating in anticancer nutrition support groups, engaging in anticancer cooking classes, and eating delicious real food!

  • Activities and therapies that ensure our bodies get healing and restorative sleep. These include practicing good sleep hygiene, creating an ideal sleep environment, using high quality sleep comfort products, as well as acupuncture, aromatherapy and massage.

  • Physical activity has been linked to nearly every healthy outcome you can imagine: lower rates of cancer, heart disease, and stroke; increased energy; decreased stress; higher levels of life satisfaction; and a longer life. In fact, there isn’t much that increased physical activity won’t help. The even better news is that even a little bit of physical activity goes along way. Researchers have found that activities such as walking or standing, if done on a regular basis, can lead to improved health.

  • Activities and therapies that help us manage stress, think positively, and feel good. These include building positive stories around illness and healing, doing mindfulness exercises, encouraging mindsets that help us grow, practicing meditation, receiving therapeutic counseling, using aromatherapy, and participating positive group support.

  • Activities and therapies that connect us with a positive community of families who are going through the cancer journey and seeking to thrive against the odds. These include our online support groups with families of kids with similar diagnoses, hospital-based community events, classroom projects, anticancer cooking classes, and therapeutic camps.

  • A healthy home helps support our kids' health and well-being and lowers lifelong health risks. This can include increasing natural lighting, improving indoor air quality, and using safer products.

  • We support each action point with the following well ways:

    1) In-person and online health promotion education

    2) Research-driven small-group health promotion programs and experiences

    4) Complementary medicine: acupuncture, cannabis, massage, yoga, healing touch, mindfulness, meditation, reiki techniques, emotional processing, therapeutic arts, equine therapy, and psychological support as well as physical, occupational, speech, and talk therapies


We believe that every family facing childhood cancer and related rare diseases deserves to have access to the resources, education, and support that allow them to BE SUPER!

Join our app-based private platform, MaxLove Connect, for expert on-demand workshops about each point in the BE SUPER Action Plan.