Welcome to MaxLove Project’s 2024 school garden grant challenge!

Calling all K-8 SoCal student innovators! MaxLove Project is requesting innovative proposals from collaborative teams of K-8 students who are passionate about school gardens, nutrition and farming! We want to hear your ideas for how to solve some of our biggest problems in hunger, access to healthy food, and nutrition education. Winning teams will be awarded a grant for their school to use for their garden project or a field trip to Tanaka Farms.

Get started!

  • The very first step is to check out the Request for Proposals (RFP). Click the button at the bottom of this section of the website to view the PDF. Let us know if you have any questions and be sure to check with a teacher and/or school administration to let them know that you (or your child rather) would like to start a team and apply.

    We’re asking teams of students to write about one of three challenges: z

    1 - Hunger

    2 - Access to healthy food

    3 - Nutrition education

    If your students are not familiar with these issues, we encourage participating adults to help them research. Research is a major part of the learning process!

    Please note that teams of students are invited to apply with an adult’s help. The research and resulting ideas should belong to the students and the application shouId be in the students’ words.

    Please note: If your school doesn’t yet have a school garden, and if you win a grant, funds could be used to either start a garden project or for the school to take a field trip to Tanaka Farms. You’ll want to check with your school about this. That said, applying and potentially presenting at the MaxLove Project Walk for Kids on April 28th at Tanaka Farms will be an amazing experience in and of itself!

  • The second step in the process is to form a team and let your school know that your team is applying to compete for this very special grant. Teams can range from 2-20+ participants but we recommend keeping your group smaller to encourage true collaboration.

  • The third step is to gather with your team and ideate! We’re looking for project ideas that have the potential to solve one or more of these three food-related issues in our community:

    1 - Hunger

    2 - Access to healthy food

    3 - Nutrition education

    First, we’d like to hear your group’s assessment of the issue. How many folks suffer from food insecurity in your community? How hard is it to access healthy food? Do students and families have access to basic nutrition education?

    If your students are not familiar with these issues, we encourage participating adults to help them research. Research is a major part of the learning process!

    Once the team can share more about one of these problems in your community and how it affects your community, we want to hear your proposal to solve the issue! Be creative and don’t worry about concepts like the budget.

    Lastly, don’t forget that if your team is selected to present your concept, you will be asked to join us at Tanaka Farms on April 28th to make your presentation. Your team will be given a booth and table space to make your presentation with poster boards and any other props that you’d like to provide. If selected, you will receive further directions about the presentation process.

    Please note that teams of students are invited to apply with an adult’s help. The research and resulting ideas should belong to the students and the application shouId be in the students’ words.

  • Access the form below to make your application.

    Please note: an adult (parent/caregiver/teacher) must represent the group, submit the application, and be willing to be a contact for MaxLove Project. The application questions however should be in the students’ voice. We’ve made the application pretty easy to finish. It should only take about 10 minutes once your concept is written out.

    We’re looking for proposals that demonstrate that students have researched one of the three issues and have thought (themselves) of a creative solution to the stated problem.

    Applications will be assessed by the MLP Junior Board. Competitors will be selected and invited to present at the MLP Walk for Kids on April 28th at Tanaka Farms.

    The application deadline is March 15th at 11:59pm.

  • If your team is selected to present your concept, you will be asked to join us at Tanaka Farms on April 28th to make your presentation. Your team will be given a booth and table space to make your presentation with poster boards and any other props that you’d like to provide.

    All selected teams will be given further direction as to the requirements of the presentation and how to access Tanaka Farms that day.

  • Our Board of Directors will visit each team’s booth to learn more about all of the competing proposals. Winners will be chosen by the MLP Board and will be awarded on site at the event finale.

  • Call for Proposals Released - 2/1/24

    Call for Proposals Due - 3/15/24

    Proposals Assessed - 3/20/24

    Participant Invitations Sent - 3/25/24

    Main Event & Awards - 4/28/25

    Grant Checks Mailed - No later than 5/15/24

  • First Place: $1000

    Second Place: $750

    Runners Up (x2): $500

    *Grant checks will be mailed directly to the school only.

  • Please contact us with any questions you may have.

    Email: info@maxloveproject.org

  • Learn more about food insecurity, lack of access to nutrition foods, and the need for nutrition education. Using search tools like Google to research these issues is the best way to go. We’ve included a few links to get you started!

    1: Food & Hunger Toolkit

    2: Middle School “Food for Thought” curriculum

    3: “Hungry to Help” lesson plan

Apply Today!