Nutrigenomics: Individualized Nutrition In The Face of a Childhood Cancer Diagnosis

How Food Can Influence Genetic Expression to Promote Quality of Life In Treatment and Survivorship


It’s an emerging word in the oncology world. An approach that narrows in on the fact that no two people are alike, no two bodies respond the same, and no two cancer diagnoses are 100% identical. 

As medical advancements continue to grow with emerging technology, the use of ‘precision medicine’ is a sought after resource – utilizing drugs, and protocols, only if specific markers are flagged ensures that there is a more focused and individualized approach for moving the body through cancer treatment. 

At MaxLove Project, we are utilizing this same growth in precision diagnostics within our Fierce Foods and Culinary Medicine programs through our new Personalized Fierce Foods workshop using the science of Nutrigenomics. 

What is Nutrigenomics?

Nutrigenomics is the study of how foods, and lifestyle choices, can influence our own individual gene expression.  

Every individual has their own unique blueprint of information that dictates how their body responds to certain foods, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. In our program we can narrow in on epigenetic markers and work to influence our child’s genes to,

  • reduce the impact of cancer treatment on healthy cells, 

  • reduce the side effects of cancer treatment, potentially avoiding treatment delays,

  • and improve quality of life.

The science of epigenetics is based on how our environment (including diet, exercise, toxins, stress) can affect the expression of our genes. While our DNA never changes, epigenetics can affect the degree to which some genes are expressed, or not expressed. 

How Does the Personalized Fierce Foods Program Work?

Our program is facilitated by our nutrigenomic trained Registered Dietitian, Alexia Hall, utilizing the 3x4 Genetic Report in testing. 

The 3x4 testing is a simple mouth swab for the child which is lab-tested and then a report  generated within 4-5 weeks showing a list of genetic variances your child may, or may not, have. 

Of the 1,000,000+ different genetic variances that are possible, the founders of 3x4 believe there are ~135 different variances that have enough science behind them to support making a nutritional intervention. In this case, this report is different from any report you would get from a geneticist, or an oncologist because the test only focuses on disease risk on genes we can modify, or help with nutrition – on something we can control. 

Our program includes expert support from Alexia Hall, RDN with a review of the child’s treatment, cancer type, etc. as well as a 1:1 practitioner summary where Alexia will cross reference the child’s specific circumstance with the report to generate a list of priorities and goals. 

Our program also includes extensive educational support to help participants understand the science behind these pathways, how these vital bodily systems work, and how we can support them with food!

All of this education is supported within our MaxLove Project Connect app where we have the ability to answer questions in real-time, facilitate guidance, and generate discussion, and peer support. 

What’s Next?

The information and support found in MaxLove Project’s Personalized Fierce Foods program is nowhere to be found in standard of care or in survivorship clinics for childhood cancers and it’s our goal is to broaden access to this supportive care far and wide.

The information provided in the Personalized Fierce Foods program is vital for families in treatment and survivorship who face increased risk factors for numerous chronic diseases. The data, education and support provided by this program is invaluable and remains the largest request from the families we serve. The only way to decipher which nutritional intervention is best a child is with data.

Our work this past year has been centered around piloting the program with a group of 3 families. We now have around 15 families on our waitlist, but the Personalized Fierce Foods program remains unfunded.

One of our pilot program family participants, the Desrosiers, used the information from the report to better narrow in and prioritize nutritional approaches for their child, Esther, who faced a lethal pediatric brain tumor called DIPG. Esther’s mom, Julie, shares:

“Through this program, Esther was able to get her Nutrigenomics/Epigenetics tested by 3x4genetics, which was information worth its weight in gold. I wish I had known about this kind of testing before Esther was born! The information from Alexia Hall has been a God-send, and I still reference information learned from her. I wish we could clone Alexia and send her all over the country to help families in the battle against childhood cancer!”

We are incredibly excited to be able to grow this program and provide this invaluable support to families. This program is truly one of a kind in the childhood cancer space and we need your support to make it happen!

We need your help providing this expert care to the 15 families on the program’s waiting list as we close out this year. The program costs $1500 per family. We need to raise a total of $22,500 by December 31st. Without funding, these families will not receive the care they need immediately. Will you help us? Click the link below to give. Every dollar counts!

***If you are a SuperFamily interested in the Personalized Fierce Foods program please fill out this form to join the waiting list:


Creamy Cauliflower Mash with Brown Butter Swirl and Fried Sage Leaves


Celebrating our Fork Childhood Cancer Challenge impact!